Ready to address excessive drinking in your life? Many people find peer support helps them take steps toward recovery. Two well-known self-help organizations built around peer support are Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Self-Management and Recovery Training (SMART Recovery). While some people seeking recovery even attend both programs, others forego both options. Why do people choose […]
Month: March 2024
Evoking calm: Practicing mindfulness in daily life helps
It’s easy to say you simply don’t have time to be mindful. With so much going on in daily life, who has time to stop and be present? But everyone has at least 10 minutes to spare to practice mindfulness. The point of these brief, daily reflections is to help you tap into calmness whenever […]
Boosting your child’s immune system
Parents often wonder: What can we do to keep our children healthy? Are there ways to boost the immune system and ward off illnesses? The answer is yes — but there are no magic wands or magic supplements. The best way to keep the immune system healthy is, basically, to take necessary steps to keep […]
How to help your preschooler sleep alone
“Sleep is still most perfect… when it is shared with a beloved,” wrote D.H. Lawrence, and most young children would agree. But sometimes those beloved — that is, parents — would rather have some privacy and not be woken by a kicking child all night. So what can you do? Sleep-alone campaign step one: Understanding […]
Does your child need to bathe every day?
The daily bath or shower is a routine for many of us — and for our children, too. But is it really necessary? The short answer is no. Obviously, there are days when washing up makes good sense — like if your child is grimy from a day in the dirt; covered in sweat, paint, […]